If you still have your company servers onsite at your business location and you’re wondering if you should go to the cloud, 答案可能是-是的. 这是一个好主意的原因有很多, 对墨西哥湾沿岸的我们来说也是如此, 其中一个原因是飓风季节.
Let’s make sure that we’re talking about the same thing when we say “cloud” because there are different kinds of cloud computing. 为本文的目的, just think of the cloud as the utilization of servers for file storage and computing resources that are not at your physical location.
This is different from the web apps or SaaS (software as a service) applications that your employees might be using for anything from your line-of-business software to specialty apps for different departments like HR, 市场营销与会计.
If you’ve been holding back on replacing your servers with cloud resources, 这可能是因为你担心安全问题. It 感觉 like you have more control when you can go down the hall, open the door to your server closet and see all the lights blinking but… that’s not necessarily the case. In fact, you’re probably less secure than if you were using the cloud.
当你的文件和程序在Azure上时, 微软的云平台, they take care of the technical security for the space you’re using on their servers. Microsoft invests more than $1 billion in cloud security every year. Do you think that what you’ve got protecting your hardware is more robust than what Microsoft is using? 可能不是.
如果你需要的话 法规遵从性 数据隐私和安全, the cloud is still a very good option for you compared to onsite servers. 这并不意味着 合规责任 从你的肩上卸下来. Microsoft is very clear about what parts of compliance they can take care of and which parts remain in your hands.
So if the cloud has good security and it’s an option even if you have compliance requirements, what other benefits can you get when you replace your onsite servers and go to the cloud?
The idea of the cloud is that it’s away from your facility and that in itself is a big benefit because your business operations won’t be dependent on the condition of your physical building. (想想停电或洪水.)
It’s certainly possible for a power outage to happen wherever your cloud servers are located, but it’s the provider’s responsibility to have generators and redundancies to assure that you have access to your data and systems.
Additionally, Azure has built in data backup services available. This makes backup faster, more efficient and probably more secure than how you’re doing it now. You may even be able to improve your backup strategy when you don’t have to rely on your local internet connection to transfer the data.
当你的服务器在云端时, you won’t need to deal with software licensing and updates, 或者硬件维护. The role of your managed IT service company will shift a little. Think of your IT systems in the cloud like a building that you’re renting. You control what goes in the building and who goes in and out, but it’s not up to you to make sure that the electrical and plumbing systems are working.
Your managed IT services company will also manage, secure and monitor your 端点 and traffic going to and from your cloud infrastructure. They’ll manage your vendor relationships, including the one with your cloud vendor. They’ll provide a Help Desk for employees when they have issues, as well as onboarding and offboarding as your staff has turnover.
你仍然需要 战略指导 对技术改进进行计划和预算. Your cloud servers will be one component of your entire IT picture and a virtual Chief Information Officer (vCIO) is there to make sure your business is optimizing your use of technology.
这取决于你目前的情况, it may be more economical for you to say goodbye to your onsite servers and utilize cloud computing. It’s true that you’ll have more operational costs, but you will eliminate some capital costs.
当你计算的时候, figure in factors like internet bandwidth and consider the value you’ll receive in security and 灾难恢复能力 使用云计算可能是一个非常明智的决定.
除了把你的服务器移到云端, you might not have to make too many other adjustments to how you’re working, 特别是如果你有远程工作人员. Instead of people remoting into your onsite server, they’ll connect to the cloud. That may make their tech tools faster and it could also mean that you can downgrade the amount of internet bandwidth you need at your physical business location.
Cloud Migration and Management for New Orleans Businesses
在澳门网赌大全网址, we help clients make well-informed decisions about how they can use technology for innovation and growth and that includes optimizing their use of cloud computing. Get in touch to schedule an IT assessment and get another perspective on your current utilization of technology. Even if we don’t end up working together you’ll learn something about your IT situation that you didn’t know before.